Shipping Policy
When you have completed a purchase on the Devil Dog Gun Company website, by law we cannot ship the firearm(s) directly to you, unless you have a Federal Firearms License (FFL). We will ship the firearm(s) ONLY to individuals or agencies (i.e. gun dealers) in possession of a valid FFL. Delivery time is generally between 5 – 7 business days.
**IMPORTANT – Federal and State firearms regulations require that the person making the purchase MUST be the same person taking delivery of the firearm (including the payment method being used, matching the same person). Additional information can be viewed at “Don’t Lie for the Other Guy”**
If you do not know of an FFL Dealer near you, use the “Find An FFL Dealer” table to find one to contact.
Contact the FFL dealer to see if they would be willing to process the transfer and legal paperwork for you, and what their fee to do so would be. (Be aware that it is customary for your local FFL dealer to charge a nominal transfer/processing fee at the time you take delivery of your purchase. This transfer fee is strictly between you and your local FFL dealer. It is your responsibility to check with your local FFL dealer concerning their policy for this service and your obligations.)
If you agree to the FFL Dealer’s processing fee and terms, forward a copy (by fax or e-mail) of their valid FFL (along with all their pertinent contact and shipping address information) to Devil Dog Gun Company(see contact info below).
At YOUR request, Devil Dog Gun Company will ship your purchased firearm(s) to the licensed FFL dealer, in your state, that you have selected. Make sure your FFL Dealer aware of the transaction and of the pending shipment.
**IMPORTANT – Devil Dog Gun Company WILL NOT ship the purchased firearm(s) until we have received a copy of the valid FFL of the dealer you have requested us to ship to.**
It is YOUR responsibility to read and be familiar with the Devil Dog Gun Company “Terms of Sales – Firearms and Ammunition” declaration.
It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that YOU are allowed to purchase a firearm in your state and local community. View your State’s regulations as to “Who May Not Own Guns.”
It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that the firearm(s) you purchase is/are legal to own in your state and local community. View your State’s regulations as to “Types of Illegal Firearms.”
It is YOUR responsibility to inspect the contents of the shipment immediately upon receipt of the package(s), PRIOR to starting the legal transfer paperwork, for any manufacturer’s defects (we inspect all firearms for manufacturer’s defects prior to shipment, so chances are low of this occurring) or damage caused by the shipment carrier. Should there be damage during shipment, REPORT DAMAGE IMMEDIATELY TO THE CARRIER. It is YOUR responsibility file any and all damage claims with the shipment carrier.
It is YOUR responsibility to make sure your local FFL dealer completes all the legally required transfer paperwork when you take delivery of the purchased firearm(s).
You the buyer are responsible for forwarding a copy of your local gun dealer’s FFL, and all pertinent contact and shipping address information, to Devil Dog Gun Company. Our contact information is as follows: